fredag 10. april 2015

Cleveland Four

There are some guys I know that have had the old bike bug since "whenever". Svein is one of those guys, that I luckily lives close enough to drop by from time to time. It is fascinating to see what great restorations can be done without all sorts of fancy equipment at hand, Svein does it all, the old way.
Recently I got an interesting e-mail from Svein where some cool photos was added to. This was the remains of two Cleveland 4 motorcycles that in a rather short time during the early eighties surfaced in the Northern part of Norway, Svein had some of this for a while before passing on further.
This is what appears to be the first year Cleveland 4, a 1925 model from the chassis, but hey the motor don`t look as if a "Fowler" designed motor, neither does it look as the later 1926 to 1929 "De-Long" designed ones.
I will try to do some more investigations regarding this rather rare bird and what is today`s status.
Stay tuned.

Here is one add from the Norwegian news paper Aftenposten dated 1927 where Cleveland fours are for sale:

1 kommentar:

  1. Hi guyes,
    is the Cleveland 4 cylinder in line still available?

    I own same one.

    My email:
