Have started playing with my Panhead project again. Still some work left with the chassis, but I`m getting there. Have a deal with a painter in January, better have everything ready by then.
This spring I played with the original primary cover that needed quite a bit of welding and I almost gave it up when ordering a repop cover. Receiving this gave me new strength in repairing the original, what a difference in appearance there was from the original to the repopped one.
I will keep the repop on my workshop wall, at least it looks god from some distance. Had to cut out and re-weld the both areas for the inner cower fixture points as well as adding the old lugs with new rivets.
When at Wauseon back in June I got a refurbished original speedo from Perry in Canada, he is quite an expert in bringing old Stewart-Warners back to life. My speedo looks so sweat and I am truly pleased with his work.
Finally got to use my home made jig for riveting a new sprocket to my rear drum (presented in a previous post), worked out well and I recommend you making one to ensure proper riveting.
Then of course there have been the work of adding dresser lulls as under seat stop lamps, accessory trim on mudguards, tail gunners etc., look forwar to see this all when bike gets black.
Right now my major task is to replace the forklegs on the front springer as they are both temporarely fixed in Mexico at some time when they broke off. Carls Cycle Supply have those legs for sale, look forward to receive the package from these great guys.
Then there is to rebuild the star hubs. I think I need to replace one hub as there is some pitting in the bearing surface, hmm will have to consider.
Posting a few pics to update the Panhead project, more to come.

Great work Sverre! You are motivating me to get something done over here and not just ride from Bar to Bar in the evenings...
SvarSlettJeff, "a bikers work is never done".
SvarSlettStill I at times struggle with motivation. There seems to be no end to the amount of fu%¤#ps here.