torsdag 3. desember 2015

Cutdown update.

Got to work on the Cutdown project last week. Finally made the last pieces to fit the modified 45" W front brake to the J fork. Those early Harley front brakes have a bunch of parts and they have a floating brake drum cover. Had to modify one NOS from Boon to fit a special nut I made for one of the fork rockers in order to make it all working as supposed to.
Feels good to be done with this, now it is time to start parkerize all the small bits and pieces, the larger ones will be painted after blasting.

Original W at right, modified and new rocker arm nut at left.

The 1/2" pieces removed from the hub centre.

Done, now it all needs some finish.

Rear hub is going to Veteranimporten in Denmark with the 18" rim in order to get spokes made.

Ready for paint, told the painter if anything went missing he had to look for another country to live in.

All of this will look so good when painted!!

2 kommentarer:

  1. expensive jigsaw puzzle - it will look great

  2. Thanks for comment. Oh lets hope it turns out as a good looking bike eventually, but as you said, it is an expensive puzzle.
