onsdag 30. mai 2012

Pic`s from Ronald

Got an e-mail from Ronald whom in a very short time have completed the rebuild of this beautiful looking 48 WR, YES the real deal down to tha bone WR.

The other sporty narrow tank bike in those pictures belong to Vegard, the engine builder / tuner whom`s wave of knowledge I surfed to get my Panhead crank balanced and trued.

Its like I wished I had these two guys in my neighbourhood rather than at the other end of the country.

Thanks for sharing Ronald, good luck at KALA.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hei Svein, Jeg har mistet din e-mail, skriv til mig så jeg kan sende nogle penge for de fine floorboards mvh carsten 31vintagetin@gmail.com hilsner fra Jacob-Ole og Co
