Some restore, they deeply consentrate in every detail and some even to a point that they never get finnished.
Then there are some when finnished leaving their bike on display and some using their bikes at rare occasions when the sun is shining at no moisture is present in the air.
Then there are the lesser crowd using their bikes to go to rallies, meets or races to meet likeminded people, not caring if there is sun or rain.
There are very few people around using their vintage as their everyday transportation, tough they are some.
A Swede, Lars is one of those last few who refuse to realise his old Harleys are relics at age 80 or more. Those bikes are go - go, no show.
I have just learned to know Lars trough the www, though I have sort of known of him from before. Anyway check out his cool blog; (copy and paste in your web browser)
By coinsidence I`ve had a couple of pics showing Lars`s summer Harley on my hardrive for a while, not knowing it belonged to Lars. Now I know :-)

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