I finnished my Henderson 1927 De-luxe this night (late late) having finally got the engine all asembled and installed in the bike (again).
This time I was a believer, as far as I new all issues with the gearbox where supposedly sorted, ready to hit the road.
Oil filled up, gas filled up, battery installed in case lights or siren would be needed
Left home afternoon, every nerve tensed by mechanical fear, will this first longer ride be a victory, a prove that man is above technology after all or am I to be ditched at a remote road up the valley where no cell phone can get you in contact with whoever have a trailer?
Long story short, my Henderson purred away for several hours, up the hills just as easey as straight ahead. Life was for sure wonderful.
I bet old Henderson was pleased, having missed traveling the roads of Southern Norway for years and years since it went to sleep back in 1949.
Went by a cafe up in the valley where motorcyclists hang out, needles to say they didnt know the Henderson.
Just as when it started getting dark at night both me and old Henderson came back home just as healty and safe as when leaving.

Oh, what a wonderful feeling that is, the maiden ride! I still remember as it was today, the first ride at 14 years old on an moped I had repaired when I was visiting my Grandparents and had dug out my fathers belt driven Huskvarna 1956 and got it going. The feeling when it carried me and even accelerated uphill across a stubby grainfield was unsurpassed. I still have almost the same feeling at the seasons virgin ride on my Scout 101.
SvarSlettYou fixed it ! :)
SvarSlettGood to see the old four running again, hope to see it in reallife as well.
We are too busy working on the house and garage though, but I hope to hit some of the rallies and meetings in July/august.
Good to hear thats your Henderson fixed and running well.
SvarSlett"every nerve tensed by mechanical fear" I know this feeling! Great story!
SvarSlettGuy`s, I truly apprechiated your comments and I do believe you all know what this ride was like.
SvarSlettIts Swapmeet this weekend. Ekeberg spring market 2011, cant wait getting home for another drive with my old Schwinn produced Hen.
Congrats Sverre. Great Bike. Well done.