onsdag 7. mars 2012

Macke & Jac. at Glostrup 1924

Those familiar with this blog know Macke Nicolaysen from previous posts. His younger friend and NMK mate Jac. Hansen we learnt to know in the recent Glostrup race posting.
Below is a picture from the Danish magazine Motor = Speed in 1924 where they present the danish audience for the their Norwegian racing friends; Macke, Jac., Herman & Alf. The two later we know from a previous post too, where they are shown posing on their inline four Henderson & ACE sport solo.
As the information is growing on those gentlemen & their participation in the Glostrup races in 1924, I now realise the later picture is captured at the very same spot as where Macke & Jac. pose in Motor = Speed. We can even see Herman Oppen in the back ground of Macke & Jac.

Thanks a lot to Jørgen Lind, a Danish motor historian for this cool information.

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