Out for a ride on a sunny day bringing your girls along, bet these guys had a nice time.

The driver/owner of C-6733 is a pretty tall guy, uh?
Way back in the picture is a STANDARD petrol pump. Wouldn`t mind having one of those in front of my workshop. This is most likely a Tokheim dome pump from the US. As you all should know merchant store clerk John Tokheim working in Iowa in 1898 invented the petrol pump. He is of Norwegian origin, Tokheim beeing a small farm in Odda by the Hardanger fjord.
There you see, details, details just in one pic.
Fantastic photo!
SvarSlettHei, kjekkt at noen kommenterer bilder, takk. Noe spennede på kustom fronten pt? Ikke glem at hvis du er på Sørlandet kan du stikke forbi.
Holder på med noen nye seter.. :-)
SvarSlettReiser til Kristiansand på Fredag og blir en ukes tid..